“3-D Cube” 5/23/16

Added a new piece to the website (under the Other Works tab) and Instagram Page. It is a 3-D Cube which was a project that I just did for interest a few weeks back that was done with Watered-Down Gouache on Illustration Board. It is is 10″ x 7.50″.  I find the piece simple, but interesting and very attention grabbing even though it was done with just black and white Gouache. I got a lot of enjoyment by doing this and I hope you do to. Enjoy!

Site Update! 5/13/16

Added to more pieces of work on the Digital Design Work page on the website. Hopefully they will eventually be posted on Instagram. Thank you and enjoy.

Update: 5/20/16: As of 10:54 am, “Birds Of The United States” is now on Instagram, top of image got cut off, posts can only fit a certain way work is bigger than the size proved. “Key Lime Pie Recipe” though still not up yet. Hopefully can get that posted to.



Site Update! 5/12/16

Sorry it’s been a few days since I posted anything new just been very busy. Just added two entries to my digital design page that I did last year. So you can few those now on the website as well as the Instagram page. Enjoy!